How To Remineralize Reverse Osmosis Water

How To Remineralize Reverse Osmosis Water

You may have concerns about reverse osmosis water being mineral deficient, which is quite understandable. Consequently, a simple step-by-step guide will help you learn how to remineralize water and ways of restoring healthy calcium and magnesium levels.

Reverse osmosis systems are water filtration systems that remove almost all harmful impurities, including lead and chlorine. Because reverse osmosis is effective, it removes all beneficial elements from water. Therefore, the system removes toxic chemicals and beneficial minerals like magnesium and calcium. You may want to know if drinking RO water indefinitely is safe or if you should remineralize water before drinking. This post examines reverse osmosis water in detail, answering your pertinent questions.

You may wonder if it is healthy to drink pure water. Mineral water is supposedly good for your health. In addition, since food, not water, is the primary mineral source, drinking demineralized water may be safe.

The World Health Organization (WHO) recently released a report that describes pure RO water, including its risks and side effects. Your body’s internal lining, mineral homeostasis, and metabolism are affected, causing body dysfunctions when you drink only demineralized water for extended periods. Furthermore, ingesting several liters of mineral-poor water after vigorous exercise causes severe acute damage, including hyponatremic shock or delirium; this symptom is often referred to as water intoxication.

Many people believe that their healthy diets provide enough micronutrients. Contrarily, cooking with mineral-deficient water causes a significant loss of essential elements in that food. Also, you may not get an adequate supply of minerals from your modern diet. Therefore, overlooking anything that leads to the loss of vital mineral components could have dire consequences. The smallest amount of minerals ingested through drinking water is crucial.

Benefits of mineral water include improving bone health, lowering bad cholesterol, aiding digestion, and protecting the kidneys. Regular consumption of mineral water enhances bone health, preventing diseases like osteoporosis in post-menopausal women. In addition, the water’s magnesium content maintains muscle performance. Due to the water’s magnesium and potassium content, the water lowers bad cholesterol. Also, because of its sulfate content, the mineral water increases amylase secretion of the pancreas, promoting digestion, especially after meals or overeating. Lastly, mineral water ensures water absorption and prevents dehydration because it contains minerals like chloride, bicarbonate, and electrolytes like sodium and magnesium. Additionally, consuming mineral water lowers calcium oxalate levels and reduces the risk of developing kidney stones.

You can enjoy remineralized and RO filtered water using a RO system containing a remineralization water filter. An RO water filtration system has three stages: PP filters, activated carbon filters, and the RO membrane. Systems with more filtration stages have a downstream activated carbon filter or a remineralizing water filter. Minerals are added back to the water, restoring pH to normal as water passes through the post-mineralizing filter.

The G3P800 reverse osmosis remineralization system has an external RO remineralizing filter. The filter adds beneficial minerals to the water. Furthermore, in addition to their advanced PCC mineral active technology, Waterdrop follows the exact ratio for microelements. The RO system restores minerals with 18 natural materials. Therefore, you’ll benefit from RO mineral water in the long run.

Thanks to the tankless under sink reverse water filter osmosis system, your family can drink safe water. Unlike traditional reverse osmosis systems, this RO system does not need as much space under the sink. Furthermore, the system prevents bacterial growth and recontamination because of its tankless design.


Although revere osmosis filtration systems effectively filter water, they also remove beneficial minerals. Therefore, you must remineralize your water. The G3P800 reverse osmosis system filters water and adds beneficial minerals in the exact ratio for microelements.